2018 Cell Stem Cell杂志年度最佳论文
2015 Cell Stem Cell杂志年度最佳论文
2010 北京大学康宁奖学金
于晨博士将CRISPR技术应用于细胞生物学,取得了一系列重要成果。以第一作者和共同第一作者在Cell Stem Cell、Blood、Cell Chemical Biology等国际高水平期刊发表多篇论文。发表论文累计被引用超过1300次,取得中国专利和美国专利各一项。
C. Yu, S. Ding, Therapeutic strategies targeting somatic stem cells: Chemical approaches. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 28, 115824 (2020).
Y. Liu*, C. Yu*, T. P. Daley*, F. Wang, W. S. Cao, S. Bhate, X. Lin, C. Still, H. Liu, D. Zhao, H. Wang, X. S. Xie, S. Ding, W. H. Wong, M. Wernig, L. S. Qi, CRISPR Activation Screens Systematically Identify Factors that Drive Neuronal Fate and Reprogramming. Cell Stem Cell. 23, 758-771.e8 (2018).(*co-first author)
K. Liu*, C. Yu*, M. Xie*, K. Li, S. Ding, Chemical Modulation of Cell Fate in Stem Cell Therapeutics and Regenerative Medicine. Cell Chemical Biology. 23, 893–916 (2016). (*co-first author)
C. Yu, Y. Liu, T. Ma, K. Liu, S. Xu, Y. Zhang, H. Liu, M. La Russa, M. Xie, S. Ding, L. S. Qi, Small Molecules Enhance CRISPR Genome Editing in Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell. 16, 142–147 (2015).
Y. Zhang, N. Cao, Y. Huang, C. I. Spencer, J. Fu, C. Yu, K. Liu, B. Nie, T. Xu, K. Li, S. Xu, B. G. Bruneau, D. Srivastava, S. Ding, Expandable Cardiovascular Progenitor Cells Reprogrammed from Fibroblasts. Cell Stem Cell. 18, 368–381 (2016).