Genome engineering based on DNA endonucleases and synthetic transcription factors enables the targeted modification of genome sequence or functions. It is a fundamental technology for the interrogation of genome functions, establishment of disease models, and development and production of engineered cell therapies. Our research group is interested in developing tools for genome engineering. We are developing modern tools for multiplexed genome editing and perturbation, genome-wide focused CRISPR screens, and synthetic cell engineering. Using these tools, we seek to interrogate the genomic foundation of cancer development and design new gene therapies for genetic disease treatment.
Dr. Yu graduated from Nankai University, and then received his Ph.D. degree in Cell Biology from Peking University. He moved to Gladstone Institutes UCSF for his postdoc training. During this period, he witnesses the invention of CRISPR technology, and takes this approach to study cell biology. He developed a series of CRISPR tools for cell engineering. For example, he developed efficient approaches to edit the genome of human cells, engineered cells with advanced genome perturbation technologies to control cell fate, and established a platform for systematic interrogation of transcription factor interactions for cell fate decision. He published 8 research papers as the first author in high-index journals, such as Cell Stem Cell, Blood, and Cell Chemical Biology. His work was granted as Best of Cell Stem Cell twice. His total citation is 1500 plus, and his h-index is 10. Dr. Yu applied for 2 patents. One is granted, the other has been transformed in the US.
C. Yu, S. Ding, Therapeutic strategies targeting somatic stem cells: Chemical approaches. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 28, 115824 (2020)
Y. Liu*, C. Yu*, T. P. Daley*, F. Wang, W. S. Cao, S. Bhate, X. Lin, C. Still, H. Liu, D. Zhao, H. Wang, X. S. Xie, S. Ding, W. H. Wong, M. Wernig, L. S. Qi, CRISPR Activation Screens Systematically Identify Factors that Drive Neuronal Fate and Reprogramming. Cell Stem Cell. 23, 758-771.e8 (2018).(*co-first author) Best of Cell Stem Cell 2018
K. Liu*, C. Yu*, M. Xie*, K. Li, S. Ding, Chemical Modulation of Cell Fate in Stem Cell Therapeutics and Regenerative Medicine. Cell Chemical Biology. 23, 893–916 (2016). (*co-first author)
C. Yu*, Y. Liu*, T. Ma, K. Liu, S. Xu, Y. Zhang, H. Liu, M. La Russa, M. Xie, S. Ding, L. S. Qi, Small Molecules Enhance CRISPR Genome Editing in Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell. 16, 142–147 (2015). Best of Cell Stem Cell 2015
C. Yu, Y. Liu, Z. Miao, M. Yin, W. Lu, Y. Lv, M. Ding, H. Deng, Retinoic acid enhances the generation of hematopoietic progenitors from human embryonic stem cell–derived hemato-vascular precursors. Blood. 116, 4786–4794 (2010)