On April 18, 2022, Prof. Huang Gang from University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio was invited to attend the ICR Seminar Series. Prof. Huang delivered an outstanding on-line seminar: "Wnt Signaling Potentiators as Novel Canver Immunotherapeutic Targets".
Prof. Huang is a leader in the areas of cancer immunology and cancer epigenetics. In his talk, Prof. Huang focused on the new developments in cancer immunology and provided an excellent review of the field. Prof. Huang’s lab is at the forefront of tumor microenvironment research, and his lab recently made breakthrough discovery on the regulation of NK cells by the Wnt-signaling pathway. Through identifying and characterization of novel tumor specific ligands in NK cells, Prof. Huang’s team not only dissected the molecular mechanisms, but also showed potential therapeutic usages for their new discovery. Prof. Huang’s seminar has sparked lively discusses,about 50 people participated onsite and online and several one-on-one sessions following the seminar also fostered potential collaborations with ICR members.